IIT Publications Search

Award Achievements
Lagomarsino M., Lorenzini M., Ajoudani A.
AI e Robotics mention of the Solution Award - MECSPE 2025 Premio Innovazione Robotica
AJoudani A.
Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE RAS TC on Collaborative Automation for Flexible Manufacturing
Ranavolo A., Ajoudani A., Chini G., Silvetti A., Varrecchia T., Lorenzini M., Mobedi E., Turcksin T., Draicchio F.
CEN workshop agreement on Guideline for introducing and implementing real-time instrumental-based tools for biomechanical risk assessment
Ajoudani A.
Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE RAS TC on Collaborative Automation for Flexible Manufacturing
Balatti P., Ozdamar I., Sirintuna D., Fortini L., Gandarias J., Ajoudani A.
ICRA 2024 Best Paper Award in Human-Robot Interaction Finalist
Du Y., Zhang X., Leonori M., Balatti P., Jin J., Wang Q., Ajoudani A.
Best Conference Paper Award Finalist at ARSO 2023
Ajoudani A.
Recognition by EU Commission under "Success Stories of the EU funded Projects 2023" (with project H2020 SOPHIA)
Fortini L., Leonori M., Balatti P., Ajoudani A.
SmartCup Liguria Award (industry category)
Amadio F., Laghi M., Raiano L., Rollo F., Zunino A., Raiola G., Ajoudani A.
Best Oral Paper Award Finalist at Humanoids 2022
Zhao J., Giammarino A., Lamon E., Gandarias J. M., De Momi E., Ajoudani A.
Best Paper Award on Mobile Manipulation Finalist (IROS 2022)
Ajoudani A.
Elected IEEE RAS AdCom member
Lamon E., Ajoudani A.
Finalist of Georges Giralt PhD Award 2022 - best European PhD thesis in Robotics.
Merlo E., Lamon E., Lorenzini M., Fusaro F., Carfì A., Mastrogiovanni F., Ajoudani A.
Best Student Paper Award Finalist
Ajoudani A.
IEEE RAS Early Academic Career Award in Robotics and Automation, 2021.
Mobedi E., Villa N., Kim W., Ajoudani A.
An Adaptive Control Approach to Robotic Assembly with Uncertainties in Vision and Dynamics (Best Paper Award Finalist in IEEE RO-MAN 2020)