IIT Publications Search

Dalmolin G.D., Bannister K., Gonçalves L., Sikandar S., Patel R., Cordeiro M.D.N., Gomez M.V., Ferreira J., Dickenson A.H.
Effect of the spider toxin Tx3-3 on spinal processing of sensory information in naive and neuropathic rats: an in vivo electrophysiological study
Pain Reports
Rigo F.K., Trevisan G., Godoy M.C., Rossato M.F., Dalmolin G.D., Silva M.A., Menezes M.S., Caumo W., Ferreira J.
Management of Neuropathic Chronic Pain with Methadone Combined with Ketamine: A Randomized, Double Blind, Active-Controlled Clinical Trial.
Pain Physician
Article Journal
Brusco I., Silva C.R., Trevisan G., de Campos Velho Gewehr C., Rigo F.K., La Rocca Tamiozzo L., Rossato M.F., Tonello R., Dalmolin G.D., de Almeida Cabrini D., Gomez M.V., Ferreira J., Oliveira S.M.
Potentiation of Paclitaxel-Induced Pain Syndrome in Mice by Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme Inhibition and Involvement of Kinins.
Molecular Neurobiology
da Silva J.F., Castro-Junior C.J., Oliveira S.M., Dalmolin G.D., Silva C.R., Vieira L.B., Diniz D.M., Cordeiro Mdo N., Ferreira J., Souza A.H., Gomez M.V.
Characterization of the antinociceptive effect of PhTx3-4, a toxin from Phoneutria nigriventer, in models of thermal, chemical and incisional pain in mice.
Article Journal
Gomes G.M., Dalmolin G.D., Bär J., Karpova A., Mello C.F., Kreutz M.R., Rubin M.A.
Inhibition of the polyamine system counteracts β-amyloid peptide-induced memory impairment in mice: involvement of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors.
PLoS One
Article Journal
Rigo F.K., Dalmolin G.D., Trevisan G., Tonello R., Silva M.A., Rossato M.F., Klafke J.Z., Cordeiro Mdo N., Castro Junior C.J., Montijo D., Gomez M.V., Ferreira J.
Effect of ω-conotoxin MVIIA and Phα1β on paclitaxel-induced acute and chronic pain.
Pharmacol Biochem Behav
de Godoy M.C., Dalmolin G.D., Rigo F.K., Rossato M.F., de Menezes M.S., Alvarez M.A., Hernandes J.J., Moreno L.A., Sinche M., Ferreira J.
Management of chronic neuropathic pain of different causes with the combination of oral methadone along with ketamine: A report of 18 cases.
Eur J Anaesthesiol
Gewehr C., Oliveira S.M., Rossato M.F., Trevisan G., Dalmolin G.D., Rigo F.K., de Castro Júnior C.J., Cordeiro M.N., Ferreira J., Gomez M.V.
Mechanisms involved in the nociception triggered by the venom of the armed spider Phoneutria nigriventer.
PLosS Negl Trop Dis
Rigo F.K., Trevisan G., Rosa F., Dalmolin G.D., Otuki M.F., Cueto A.P., de Castro Junior C.J., Romano-Silva M.A., Cordeiro Mdo N., Richardson M., Ferreira J., Gomez M.V.
Spider peptide Phα1β induces analgesic effect in a model of cancer pain.
Cancer Sci
Gomes G.M., Dalmolin G.D., Cordeiro Mdo N., Gomez M.V., Ferreira J., Rubin M.A.
The selective A-type K+ current blocker Tx3-1 isolated from the Phoneutria nigriventer venom enhances memory of naïve and Aβ(25-35)-treated mice.
Klafke J.Z., da Silva M.A., Trevisan G., Rossato M.F., da Silva C.R., Guerra G.P., Villarinho J.G., Rigo F.K., Dalmolin G.D., Gomez M.V., Rubin M.A., Ferreira J.
Involvement of the glutamatergic system in the nociception induced intrathecally for a TRPA1 agonist in rats.
Neuroscience, vol. 11, pp. 222:136-46
Dalmolin G.D., Silva C.R., Rigo F.K., Gomes G.M., do Nascimento Cordeiro M., Richardson M., Silva M.A.R., Prado M.A.M., Gomez M.V., Ferreira J.
Antinociceptive effect of Brazilian armed spider venom toxin Tx3-3 in animal models of neuropathic pain.
Pain, vol. 152, (no. 10), pp. 2224-2232.
Silva C.R., Oliveira S.M., Rossato M.F., Dalmolin G.D., Guerra G.P., da Silveira Prudente A., Cabrini D.A., Otuki M.F., André E., Ferreira J.
The involvement of TRPA1 channel activation in the inflammatory response evoked by topical application of cinnamaldehyde to mice.
Basic Life Sciences, vol. 88, (no. 25-26), pp. 1077-87
Silva C.R., Oliveira S.M., Rossato M.F., Dalmolin G.D., Guerra G.P., da Silveira P. A., Cabrini D.A., Otuki M.F., André E., Ferreira J.
The involvement of TRPA1 channel activation in the inflammatory response evoked by topical application of cinnamaldehyde to mice.
Asia Life Sciences, vol. 20, (no. 88), pp. 1077-1087
Oliveira S.M., Gewehr C., Dalmolin G.D., Cechinel C.A., Wentz A., Lourega R.V., Sehnem R.C., Zanatta N., Martins M.A., Rubin M.A., Bonacorso H.G., Ferreira J.
Antinociceptive effect of a novel tosylpyrazole compound in mice.
Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, vol. 104, (no. 2), pp. 122-9