IIT Publications Search

Almacellas-Barbanoj A., Albini M., Satapathy A., Jaudon F., Michetti C., Krawczun-Rygmaczewska A., Huang H., Manago F., Papaleo F., Benfenati F., Cesca F.
Kidins220/ARMS modulates brain morphology and anxiety-like traits in adult mice
Cell Death Discovery, vol. 8, (no. 1)
Ravasenga T., Ruben M., Regio V., Polenghi A., Petrini E.M., Barberis A.
Spatial regulation of coordinated excitatory and inhibitory synaptic plasticity at dendritic synapses
Cell Reports, vol. 38, (no. 6)
Musto M., Bergamini M., La Terra A., Marte A., Benfenati F., Grasselli G.
Activity-dependent structural plasticity of cerebellar climbing fibers and its functional consequences
SINS 2021, Italian Society for Neuroscience
Poster Conference
Musto M., Bergamini M., La Terra A., Marte A., Benfenati F., Grasselli G.
Activity-dependent synaptic and structural plasticity of cerebellar climbing fibers
FEPS European Physiology Day Virtual Meeting 2021
Poster Conference
Jaudon F., Albini M., Ferroni S., Benfenati F., Cesca F.
A developmental stage- And Kidins220-dependent switch in astrocyte responsiveness to brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Journal of Cell Science, vol. 134, (no. 16)
Maset A., Galla L., Francia S., Cozzolino O., Capasso P., Goisis RC., Losi G., Lombardo A., Ratto GM., Lodovichi C.
Altered Cl− homeostasis hinders forebrain GABAergic interneuron migration in a mouse model of intellectual disability
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Savino E., Guarnieri F.C., Tsai J.-W., Corradi A., Benfenati F., Valtorta F.
An emerging role of prrt2 in regulating growth cone morphology
Cells, vol. 10, (no. 10)
Sterlini B., Romei A., Parodi C., Aprile D., Oneto M., Aperia A., Valente P., Valtorta F., Fassio A., Baldelli P., Benfenati F., Corradi A.
An interaction between PRRT2 and Na+/K+ ATPase contributes to the control of neuronal excitability
Cell Death and Disease, vol. 12, (no. 4)
Longhena F., Faustini G., Brembati V., Pizzi M., Benfenati F., Bellucci A.
An updated reappraisal of synapsins: structure, function and role in neurological and psychiatric disorders
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, vol. 130, pp. 33-60
Musto M., Bergamini M., La Terra A., Marte A., Benfenati F., Grasselli G.
Cerebellar climbing fibers can undergo activity-dependent structural plasticity
71st SIF National Congress, Italian Society of Physiology
Poster Conference
Accogli A., Wiegand G., Scala M., Cerminara C., Iacomino M., Riva A., Carlini B., Camerota L., Belcastro V., Prontera P., Fernández-Jaén A., Bebek N., Scudieri P., Baldassari S., Salpietro V., Novelli G., De Luca C., von Stülpnagel C., Kluger F., Kluger G. J., Wohlrab G. C., Ramantani G., Lewis-Smith D., Thomas R. H., Lai M., Verrotti A., Striano S., Depienne C., Minetti C., Benfenati F., Brancati F., Zara F., Striano P.
Clinical and Genetic Features in Patients With Reflex Bathing Epilepsy
Benfenati F., Lanzani G.
Clinical translation of nanoparticles for neural stimulation
Nature Reviews Materials, vol. 6, (no. 1)
Hurley S., Mohan C., Suetterlin P., Ellingford R., Riegman K.L.H., Ellegood J., Caruso A., Michetti C., Brock O., Evans R., Rudari F., Delogu A., Scattoni M.L., Lerch J.P., Fernandes C., Basson M.A.
Distinct, dosage-sensitive requirements for the autism-associated factor CHD8 during cortical development
Molecular Autism, vol. 12, (no. 1)
Tassan Mazzocco M., Guarnieri F.C., Monzani E., Benfenati F., Valtorta F., Comai S.
Dysfunction of the serotonergic system in the brain of synapsin triple knockout mice is associated with behavioral abnormalities resembling synapsin-related human pathologies
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, vol. 105
Gaspar S., Ravasenga T., Munteanu R.-E., David S., Benfenati F., Colombo E.
Electrochemically synthesized poly(3-hexylthiophene) nanowires as photosensitive neuronal interfaces
Materials, vol. 14, (no. 16)

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