IIT Publications Search

Michelon F., Iurilli G.
A mechanosensory feedback signal that uncouples external and self-generated sensory responses in the olfactory cortex
Computational and System Neuroscience (Cosyne)
Poster Conference
Dehaqani A., Michelon F., Patella P., Luigi P., Piasini E., Iurilli G.
A mechanosensory feedback that uncouples external and self-generated sensory responses in the olfactory cortex
Cell Reports, vol. 43, (no. 4)
Article Journal
Montani C., Galbusera A., D'Epifanio B., Ghirardini E., Cornuti S., Pasquin Mariani J.R., De Guzman E., Mandrup Bertozzi S., Armirotti A., Baroncelli L., Gozzi A.
Connectomic and behavioral alterations in creatine transporter deficiency are partially normalized by gene therapy
Article E-print Archive
Dautan D., Monai A., Maltese F., Chang X., Molent C., Mauro D., Galbusera A., Vecchia D., Antonelli F., Benedetti A., Drago F., Leggio G.M., Pagani M., Fellin T., Gozzi A., Schumann G., Manago F., Papaleo F.
Cortico-cortical transfer of socially derived information gates emotion recognition
Nature Neuroscience
Article Journal
Pagani M., Zerbi V., Galbusera A., Wenderoth N., Lombardo M., Milham M., Di Martino A., Gozzi A.
Cross-species fMRI reveals transcriptomically and behaviorally-dissociable autism neurosubtypes
Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
Poster Conference
Leyhausen J., Schafer T., Gurr C., Berg L.M., Seelemeyer H., Pretzsch C.M., Loth E., Oakley B., Buitelaar J.K., Beckmann C.F., Floris D.L., Charman T., Bourgeron T., Banaschewski T., Jones E.J.H., Tillmann J., Chatham C., Ahmad J., Ambrosino S., Auyeung B., Baron-Cohen S., Baumeister S., Bolte S., Bours C., Brammer M., Brandeis D., Brogna C., de Bruijn Y., Chakrabarti B., Cornelissen I., Crawley D., Dell'Acqua F., Dumas G., Durston S., Ecker C., Faulkner J., Frouin V., Garces P., Goyard D., Ham L., Hayward H., Hipp J., Holt R., Johnson M.H., Kundu P., Lai M.-C., D'ardhuy X.L., Lombardo M.V., Lythgoe D.J., Mandl R., Marquand A., Mason L., Mennes M., Meyer-Lindenberg A., Moessnang C., Bast N., O'Dwyer L., Oldehinkel M., Oranje B., Pandina G., Persico A.M., Ruggeri B., Ruigrok A., Sabet J., Sacco R., San Jose Caceres A., Simonoff E., Spooren W., Toro R., Tost H., Waldman J., Williams S.C.R., Wooldridge C., Zwiers M.P., Murphy D.G.
Differences in Intrinsic Gray Matter Connectivity and Their Genomic Underpinnings in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Biological Psychiatry, vol. 95, (no. 2), pp. 175-186
Duan K., Eyler L., Pierce K., Lombardo M.V., Datko M., Hagler D.J., Taluja V., Zahiri J., Campbell K., Barnes C.C., Arias S., Nalabolu S., Troxel J., Ji P., Courchesne E.
Differences in regional brain structure in toddlers with autism are related to future language outcomes
Nature Communications, vol. 15, (no. 1)
Article Journal
Courchesne E., Taluja V., Nazari S., Aamodt C.M., Pierce K., Duan K., Stophaeros S., Lopez L., Barnes C.C., Troxel J., Campbell K., Wang T., Hoekzema K., Eichler E.E., Nani J.V., Pontes W., Sanchez S.S., Lombardo M.V., de Souza J.S., Hayashi M.A.F., Muotri A.R.
Embryonic origin of two ASD subtypes of social symptom severity: the larger the brain cortical organoid size, the more severe the social symptoms
Molecular Autism, vol. 15, (no. 1)
Article Journal
Hardie I., Murray A., King J., Hall H.A., Okelo K., Luedecke E., Marryat L., Thompson L., Minnis H., Lombardo M., Wilson P., Auyeung B.
Investigating low birth weight and preterm birth as potential mediators in the relationship between prenatal infections and early child development: A linked administrative health data analysis
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
Article Journal
Benozzo D., Baron G., Coletta L., Chiuso A., Gozzi A., Bertoldo A.
Macroscale coupling between structural and effective connectivity in the mouse brain
Scientific Reports, vol. 14, (no. 1)
Ragone E., Tanner J., Jo Y., Zamani Esfahlani F., Faskowitz J., Pope M., Coletta L., Gozzi A., Betzel R.
Modular subgraphs in large-scale connectomes underpin spontaneous co-fluctuation events in mouse and human brains
Communications Biology, vol. 7, (no. 1)
Article Journal
Alvino F.G., Gini S., Minetti A., Pagani M., Sastre-Yagüe D., Barsotti N., De Guzman E., Schleifer C., Stuefer A., Kushan L., Montani C., Galbusera A., Papaleo F., Lombardo M.V., Pasqualetti M., Bearden C.E., Gozzi A.
Synaptic-dependent developmental dysconnectivity in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
Article E-print Archive
Gini S., Alvino F.G., Minetti A., Sastre-Yagüe D., Schleifer C., Stuefer A., Pagani M., Montani C., Galbusera A., Papaleo F., Lombardo M., Pasqualetti M., Bearden C., Gozzi A.
Synaptic-related developmental dysconnectivity in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
Organization for Human Brain Mapping
Poster Conference
Jinich-Diamant A., Reggente N., Bolis D., Lehmann K., Kanske P., Lynch C., Iacoboni M., Kaplan J., Hesp C., Schilbach L., Christov-Moore L.
Toward a Multiscale Account of Trust
PsyArXiv Preprints
Article E-print Archive
Ye Z., Shelton A.M., Shaker J.R., Boussard J., Colonell J., Birman D., Manavi S., Chen S., Windolf C., Hurwitz C., Namima T., Pedraja F., Weiss S., Raducanu B., Ness T.V., Jia X., Mastroberardino G., Rossi L.F., Carandini M., Häusser M., Einevoll G.T., Laurent G., Sawtell N.B., Bair W., Pasupathy A., Lopez C.M., Dutta B., Paninski L., Siegle J.H., Koch C., Olsen S.R., Harris T.D., Steinmetz N.A.
Ultra-high density electrodes improve detection, yield, and cell type identification in neuronal recordings
Article E-print Archive

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