IIT People Search

Daniele Cortecchia

Affiliated Researcher
Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics
Research center

Daniele Cortecchia received his Bachelor of Science in Materials Chemistry and Ceramic Technology in 2010 and the Master of Science in Industrial Chemistry in 2012 at the University of Bologna. He then moved to Singapore, where in 2018 was awarded the PhD at the Interdisciplinary Graduate School at Nanyang Technological University, performing his research between the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and the Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N) in the framework of the program “Research in Sustainable Earth”. Since 2017 he joined the Italian Institute of Technology, Center for Nano Science and Technology (IIT-CNST), Milan in the group led by Dr. Annamaria Petrozza. In 2018 he was awarded with the MSCA Seal of Excellence. Since 2020, he is Marie Curie Fellow at IIT working on the project PERICLeS.

His research covers the study of advanced metal halide perovskites for application in optoelectronics, with focus in light-emitting and photonic devices. He is particularly interested in the development of rational synthetic design strategies for the control of perovskite’s luminescence properties exploiting the wide synthetic flexibility of low-dimensional materials, and in the investigation of their fundamental photophysical properties.

All Publications
Adamo G., Tian J., Krishnamoorthy H. N. S., Cortecchia D., Long G., Soci C.
Perovskite Metamaterials and Metasurfaces
Halide Perovskites for Photonics, Publisher: AIP
Kim M., Cortecchia D., Borzda T., Mroz W., Leoncino L., Dellasega D., Lee S.-H., Petrozza A.
Coordinating Solvent-Assisted Synthesis of Phase-Stable Perovskite Nanocrystals with High Yield Production for Optoelectronic Applications
Chemistry of Materials, vol. 33, (no. 2), pp. 547-553
Article Journal
Cortecchia D., Mroz W., Folpini G., Borzda T., Leoncino L., Alvarado-Leanos A.L., Speller E.M., Petrozza A.
Layered Perovskite Doping with Eu3+and β-diketonate Eu3+ Complex
Chemistry of Materials, vol. 33, (no. 7), pp. 2289-2297
Alvarado-Leanos A.L., Cortecchia D., Folpini G., Srimath Kandada A.R., Petrozza A.
Optical Gain of Lead Halide Perovskites Measured via the Variable Stripe Length Method: What We Can Learn and How to Avoid Pitfalls
Advanced Optical Materials, vol. 9, (no. 18)
Stallhofer K., Nuber M., Cortecchia D., Bruno A., Kienberger R., Deschler F., Soci C., Iglev H.
Picosecond Charge Localization Dynamics in CH3NH3PbI3Perovskite Probed by Infrared-Activated Vibrations
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 12, (no. 18), pp. 4428-4433
Scientific Talks
Cortecchia D.
Light emitting properties of hybrid perovskites
Ceramics for Energy – Cen 2017, Faenza 7-9 Jun 2017
Cortecchia D., Yin J., Lo S.-Z. A., Bruno A., Soci C.
Lattice-induced exciton localization in 2D organometallic perovskites
9th Asian Photochemistry Conference, APC2016, Singapore, 4-8 Dec 2016
Oral presentations
Cortecchia D., Neutzner S., Yin J., Salim T., Kandada A. R. S., Bruno A., Lam Y. M., Martí-Rujas J., Petrozza A., Soci C.
Structure-controlled optical thermoresponse in 2D perovskites
European Optical Society Annual meeting
Cortecchia D., Borzda T., Neutzner S., Febriansyah B., England J., Petrozza A.
Tailoring the broadband emission properties of 2D perovskites through synthetic design
2018 MRS Fall Meeting
Awards and Achievements
Cortecchia D.
ERC Starting Grant, Horizon Europe, call 2021. Project: SUPER
Cortecchia D.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, call H2020-MSCA-IF-2018. Proposal: PERICLeS
Cortecchia D.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Seal of Excellence, call H2020-MSCA-IF-2017
Cortecchia D., Bruno A., Wang Z., Joshua Y. M., Lova P., Gurzadyan G., Mhaisalkar S., Soci C.
Materials Horizons Best Poster Award
Cortecchia D.
Winner of the merit-based scholarship from the Toso Montanari Foundation