[PhD positions in LifeTech] - Banner

PhD positions in LifeTech

[PhD@UniGe] - PhD in Bioengineering and Robotics - Cognitive Robotics, Interaction and Rehabilitation Technologies

[PhD positions] - Gori

Research unit "Unit for Visually Impaired People"
Group Leader: Monica Gori
3 positions available
Research Topic(s): Multisensory development: cortical and behavioral mechanisms
Genoa, Center for Human Technologies
How to apply: first-come, first-served (ongoing)

[PhD@UniGe] - PhD in Health, Sustainable and Human Technologies

[PhD positions] - Berdondini

Research unit "Microtechnology for Neuroelectronics"
Group Leader: Luca Berdondini
1 position available
Research Topic(s): Closed-loop high-resolution neuroelectronics
Genoa, Center for Convergent Technologies
How to apply: first-come, first-served (ongoing)

[PhD positions] - Grimaldi

Research unit "Molecular Medicine"
Group Leader: Benedetto Grimaldi
1 position available
Research Topic(s): Exploring the role of non-coding RNAs in autophagy and cancer chemoresistance
Genoa, Center for Convergent Technologies
How to apply: first-come, first-served (ongoing)

[PhD positions] - Siciliano

Research unit "Synthetic and Systems Biology for Biomedicine"
Group Leader: Velia Siciliano
2 positions available
Research Topic(s): Engineering immune cells for better tumor treatment
Naples, Center for Advanced Biomaterials for Health Care
How to apply: first-come, first-served (ongoing)

[PhD@UniGe] - PhD in Neurosciences - Neuroscience and Neurotechnologies

[PhD positions] - Cancedda

Research unit "Brain Development and Disease"

[PhD positions] - Tucci

Research unit "Genetics and Epigenetics of Behavior"

[PhD positions] - Benfenati

[PhD positions] - Barberis

Research unit "Synaptic Plasticity of Inhibitory Networks"

[Phd] - Arrow top

[Università di Genova] - Info

PhD positions in collaboration with
University of Genoa

[Grid] - LifeTech

PhD positions in collaboration with
Open University

IIT as an Open University Affiliated Research Centre (OU ARC@IIT). Learn more about OU ARC network.