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Matteo Laffranchi
Rehab Technologies - INAIL-IIT lab
Matteo Laffranchi is Coordinator at Rehab Technologies Lab, IIT. His main works focus on the development of novel bionic systems and rehabilitation robotics.
He received a Master's Degree in mechatronic engineering from the Polytechnic University of Turin in 2006 and a PhD in robotics from the University of Sheffield, UK, in 2011.
Following a brief experience in the automation industry, in the period 2008-2011 he has been Research Fellow and Post-Doc researcher from 2011 to 2014 at the department of Advanced Robotics (ADVR), Italian Institute of Technology. At ADVR, he spent 6 years developing compliant actuation systems for robotics (CompAct actuators, CompAct arm) for safe physical human-robot interaction.
Since 2014, he works at Rehab Technologies, Italian Institute of Technology, with specific focus on the development of novel healthcare robots, particularly bionic prostheses and robotic exoskeletons (Hannes, HyperLeg, Twin, Float). He now manages the activities related to research and development within the lab starting from 2016.
Along with research, he is also involved in technology transfer activities and in entrepreneurial projects to bring the developed technology to the medtech industry. He and his team collected a series of national and international prizes related to industrial design such as the ADI Index, the Compasso d’Oro, the Good Design, and the iF. He is author or co-author of 100+ peer review scientific publications in the field of robotics, bionics and rehabilitation robotics.
Title: Mechatronic Engineer
Institute: Osai AS
Location: Parella (TO)
Country: Italy
From: 2007 To: 2008