[Scanning Probe Microscopies lab] - Title

[Scanning Probe Microscopies lab] - List

JPK Nanowizard III

AFM system optimized for biological/soft samples, equipped with liquid cells with temperature control, piezo-actuator that guarantees 100 microns of z-range, and Quantitative Imaging (QI) for fast mapping of elastic modulus.


Access to the instrument is limited, to arrange measurements please contact Dr. Marco Salerno.


Asylum Research MFP-3D

AFM system for general-purpose topological and mechanical characterization, equipped also for the measurement of electrical properties of materials, with ORCA module for conductive AFM, and AMFM loss tangent mapping.


Access to the instrument is limited, to arrange measurements please contact Dr. Marco Salerno.


Park Scientific Instruments XE-100

Works in non-contact mode, dedicated especially to small samples at high resolution, with STM module and cell for electrochemical-AFM applications.
The instrument can be accessed, upon training, from the booking system. Session duration 2 h, max 6 sessions per week.

Ambios XP-2 Stylus Profilometer

For direct 3D measurements of surface morphology on the mm size scale; max z range 400 um, z resolution 20 nm.
The instrument can be accessed, upon training, from the booking system.

ZETA-20 Profilometer

For fast 3D measurements of surface morphology on the mm size scale; max z range 25 mm, z resolution 1 nm.
The instrument can be accessed, upon training, from the booking system.