Antonelli F., Bernardi F., Koul A., Novembre G., Papaleo F.
Emotions in multi-brain dynamics: A promising research frontier
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, vol. 168
Laffi L., Bigand F., Peham C., Novembre G., Gamba M., Ravignani A.
Rhythmic categories in horse gait kinematics.
Journal of Anatomy
Article in Press
Novembre G., Lacal I., Benusiglio D., Quarta E., Schito A., Grasso S., Caratelli L., Caminiti R., Mayer A.B., Iannetti G.D.
A cortical mechanism linking saliency detection and motor reactivity in rhesus monkeys
Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 44, (no. 1)
Abalde S.F., Rigby A., Keller P.E., Novembre G.
A framework for joint music making: Behavioral findings, neural processes, and computational models
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, vol. 167
Koul A., Novembre G.
How accurately can we estimate spontaneous body kinematics from video recordings? Effect of movement amplitude on OpenPose accuracy
Behavior Research Methods
Article in Press
Bianco R., Zuk N.J., Bigand F., Quarta E., Grasso S., Arnese F., Ravignani A., Battaglia-Mayer A., Novembre G.
Neural encoding of musical expectations in a non-human primate
Current Biology, vol. 34, (no. 2), pp. 444-450.e5
Bigand F., Bianco R., Abalde S., Novembre G.
The geometry of interpersonal synchrony in human dance
Current Biology
Nguyen T., Kungl M. T., Hoehl S., White L. O., Vrticka P.
Visualizing the invisible tie: Linking parent–child neural synchrony to parents’ and children's attachment representations
Developmental Science
Kohler N., Novembre G., Gugnowska K., Keller P.E., Villringer A., Sammler D.
Cortico-cerebellar audio-motor regions coordinate self and other in musical joint action
Cerebral Cortex, vol. 33, (no. 6), pp. 2804-2822
Nguyen T., Flaten E., Trainor L.J., Novembre G.
Early social communication through music: State of the art and future perspectives
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 63
Koul A., Ahmar D., Iannetti G.D., Novembre G.
Interpersonal synchronization of spontaneously generated body movements
iScience, vol. 26, (no. 3)
Rangel B.O., Novembre G., Wessel J.R.
Measuring the nonselective effects of motor inhibition using isometric force recordings
Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation
Keller P.E., Lee J., Konig R., Novembre G.
Sex-related communicative functions of voice spectral energy in human chorusing
Biology Letters, vol. 19, (no. 11)
Nguyen T., Reisner S., Lueger A., Wass S.V., Hoehl S., Markova G.
Sing to me, baby: Infants show neural tracking and rhythmic movements to live and dynamic maternal singing
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 64
Novembre G., Nguyen T., Bigand F., Tucci V., Papaleo F., Bianco R., Koul A.
Sociality and Timing: Correlation or Causation? Comment on ‘The evolution of social timing’ by Verga L., Kotz S. & Ravignani A.
Physics of Life Reviews, vol. 47, pp. 179-181