From the laboratory to the market
One of the main missions of Rehab Technologies Lab is to transfer the technology and know-how developed to make innovation usable to the market.
From the laboratory to the hospital or to the home of the patient. The desire is to improve people's health and implement developments, through a process that goes from clinical trials to the certification, up to the start of the industrialization phase and landing on the market.
Above all, there are 3 elements that characterize Rehab Tech Lab's approach to technology transfer:
- Users are involved in the idea. Already in the early stages of conception and research, the Laboratory focuses on the needs of individuals. The end user of a device, the recipient of a technology, has been involved in the design of a project from the very beginning.
- Investment in intellectual property. Rehab Tech Lab has a patent-oriented approach rather than a scientific publication. The work within the laboratory is aimed at creating and improving devices that can improve people's living conditions. This is demonstrated by the fact that, within IIT, Rehab is one of the laboratories with the most patents.
- Quality. Rehab Technologies Lab is ISO 13485 certified. Therefore, despite being a research laboratory, it already meets the specific quality standard that is required of companies in the medical sector.

Best Practices

Anti-Covid bulkheads
Rehab Technologies Lab, upon request of the Italian Ministry of Transportations, in 2021 led the development of a prototype of bulkheads for trains and low-distance buses.
A commitment required to allow 100% capacity of the means of transport in compliance with the distancing made necessary by the italian anti-covid regulations. Rehab Technologies Lab has developed a modular, sustainable and aesthetically pleasant bulkhead.
A concrete example of technology transfer, to respond quickly and creatively to a social need.

Movendo Technology
Movendo Technology is an innovative medical company, initially supported by the Italian Institute of Technology and financed by Sergio Dompè, president of the biopharmaceutical group of the same name.
Spin-off of Rehab Technologies, the vision of Movendo Technology is to develop medical devices that use the most advanced technologies and italian design, in order to meet the needs of patients undergoing specialized rehabilitation therapies and the medical professionals supporting them.
Hunova, the robotic rehabilitative platform and one of the first products entirely developed in Rehab Technologies, is commercialized by the spin-off.
Informations and details
For all the informations and details about technology transfer, write an email to the following address:
Technology Transfer Manager: Matteo Laffranchi