IIT Publications Search

Guarischi M., Hu Y., Kurt A.B., Zanchi S., Barth E., Gori M.
A machine learning approach to unveil balance behavior through aging with an auditory cue
IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)
Poster Conference
Barbieri M., Albanese G.A., Merello A., Crepaldi M., Setti W., Gori M., Canessa A., Sabatini S.P., Facchini V., Sandini G.
Assessing REALTER simulator: analysis of ocular movements in simulated low-vision conditions with extended reality technology
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 12
Vitali H., Campus C., Signorini S., De Giorgis V., Morelli F., Varesio C., Pasca L., Sammartano A., Gori M.
Blindness affects the developmental trajectory of the sleeping brain
NeuroImage, vol. 286
Memeo M., Vitali H., Crepaldi M., Campus C., Gori M.
Caterpillar – A Portable System to Evaluate Multisensory Aspects of Memory
Abstract Report Conference
Tammurello C., Coelho L., Amadeo M.B., Setti W., Campus C., Gori M.
Children-friendly auditory version of the Somatic Rubber Hand illusion to study the interaction between proprioception and audition during development
IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications
Conference Paper Conference
Tammurello C., Coelho L., Amadeo M., Setti W., Campus C., Gori M.
Children-Friendly auditory version of the Somatic Rubber Hand illusion to study the interaction between proprioception and audition during development
IEEE Medical Measurements & Application
Conference Paper Conference
Vitali H., Bollini A., Campus C., Gori M.
Cross modal attention through the three sensory modalities in human adults: an EEG study
Cognitive Neuroscience Society CNS annual meeting
Poster Conference
Gori M., Burr D., Campus C.
Disambiguating vision with sound
Current Biology, vol. 34, (no. 6), pp. R235-R236
Setti W., Volta E., Tarello R., Ferlino L., Gori M., Volpe G.
DUDA: a digital didactic learning unit based on educational escape rooms and multisensory learning activities for primary school children during Covid-19 lockdown
Educational Technology Research and Development
Article in Press Journal
Guarischi M., Montagnani E., Catalano G., Signorini S., Gori M.
Ecological spatial exploration: preliminary data about motor behaviors of children with visual impairments
ESMAC: European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children
Poster Conference
Casado-Palacios M., Muller K., Hömberg V., Bertonati G., Campus C., Crepaldi M., Maviglia A., Gori M.
Effective somatosensory and cross-modal evaluation in children with hemiparesis and neurotypically developing children using MSI-Caterpillar
IEEE Medical Measurements & Applications
Conference Paper Conference
Shafique S., Setti W., Del Bue A., Campus C., Zanchi S., Beltran C., Luca Bailo G., Gori M.
Effect of non-visual Cues on Spatial Navigation Abilities
Poster Conference
Esposito D., Gori M.
Egocentric and allocentric abilities share a common process in the acoustic modality, but not in the visual modality
9th International Conference on Spatial Cognition
Abstract Report Conference
Escelsior A., Murri M.B., Polena L., Petrilli G., Zizzi A., Inuggi A., Bode J., Engel-Yeger B., da Silva B.P., Gori M., Amore M., Serafini G.
Exploring the Link Between Sensory Processing and Psychopathology in a Community Sample of Young Adults: Bayesian Network Analyses
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Montagnani E., Zanchi S., Gori M.
Exploring the role of Auditory Stimuli in Manipulating Center of Mass Sway
the Annual Meeting of the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children
Poster Conference