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Research center
Alessandro Barcellona, born in 1982, is a Electronic Technician of EDL (Electronic Design Laboratory) facility and his main activities are Hardware Design, Short-Term Electrical / Physical Design, Reworking and Assembly Management. He designs, develops, prototypes and tests various electronic devices. He has been an Electronic Technician of Nanophysics department of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) in Genova and his main activities was design and realization of electronic devices and programming software to implement open source and Automated microscopy imaging systems.
He graduated in Automation Engineering in Palermo with final mark of 110/110 summa cum laude in the Bachelor and Master’s Degree. He is an enabled certified Industrial Engineer.
In his thesis he designed and realized robotic manipulators to develop new techniques of sensorless Strength’s control.
He obtained a research grant in Biophysics field at the National Research Council (CNR) of Palermo for the Design of hardware and software for the electronic control and command of instrumentation for Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) on living cells.
Several years of experience in the Automation and Electronics field allow him to move from the theoretical to the practical implementation in a short time. The combination of knowledge and know-how is its distinguishing characteristic.
Colleagues of Electronic Design Laboratory