IIT People Search

Irene Bozzoni

Senior Researcher - Principal Investigator
Non coding RNAs in Physiology and Pathology
Research center

Current Positions

Since 1994: Full Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Rome.

Since 2018:  Senior Researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).

Academic career and research experience

2002:               Visiting Professor at the University of Brandeis, Boston – USA (Prof. M. Rosbash),

1994-present:  Full Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Rome  

1993:               Visiting Professor at the University of Boulder, Colorado - USA (Prof. O. Uhlenbeck)

1986-1994:      Associate Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Rome

1986:               Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Health of Bethesda (USA)

1980-1986:      Staff scientist at the Center for Nucleic Acid Research, CNR, Rome, Italy

1985:               Visiting Scientist at the University of Zurich - CH (Prof.M. Birnstiel)

1978-1980:      Research fellow at the Centro Acidi Nucleici of C.N.R., Rome

1979:               EMBO fellow at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg( - Germany (Dr. M.L. Melli)

1977-78:          Post-doctoral fellow - Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Zurich -CH (Prof.M. Birnstiel)

Academic assignments

Since 2020: Honorary Fellow at the School for Advanced Studies of Sapienza University of Rome

2016-2018:      Director of the School for Advanced Studies of Sapienza

2007- 2018:     Director of the Master Degree in Genetics and Molecular Biology – Sapienza, University of Rome.

2011-2016:      Deputy Director of the School of Advanced Studies of Sapienza

2000-2016:      Member of the PhD Committee of Sapienza University.

2011-2014:      President of the Evaluation Committee of the Faculty of Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome.

2009-2012:      Member of the Committee for the Innovation of Research and Technology, Sapienza University

2005-2016:      Rappresentative of Sapienza University at the “Consorzio Interuniversitario per le Biotecnologie”.

2007- 2015:     Member of the Technical and Scientific Committee of the Consorzio Sapienza Innovazione of the University La   Sapienza and of the Italian Federation for Life Sciences.

Non academic engagements

Since 2020: member of the “Scientific Advisory Committee” of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

2018-present:  Member of the “Management Committee” of the Human Technopole.

2018-present:  Member of the Advisory Committee dell'Armenise-Harvard Foundation.

2017-present:  Member of the Board of the “Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia, Leonardo da Vinci",


2015- present: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the “Enciclopedia Treccani”.

2012-2018:      Review panel member of the Rita Levi-Montalcini “Program on Young Researchers” of the Ministry of Research and University (MIUR).

2016-2018:      Member of the National Committee for the abilitation of Full Professors and Associate Professors in Molecular Biology

2016:               ERC - Review panel member for ERC, LS3 Consolidator Grants (CoG)

2011-2014:      Member of the Review panel member of the membership committee of EMBO

2010-2013:      Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the “Committee of Experts for the Research Policy” (CEPR), consultant of the of the Italian Ministry of University and Research

2009-2012:      Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Pezcoller Foundation

2005-2008:      Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Armenise-Harvard Foundation

2000-2003:      Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the “Fondazione Chiara D'Onofrio”

Evaluator for: ESF, AERES, Welcome Trust, EMBO, HFSP, Armenise-Harvard Foundation, AFM and several international scientific institutions.

Memberships, honors and awards

  • In 2013 was awarded of an ERC-Advanced Grant
  • In 2010 was awarded the "Sapienza Ricerca Award"
  • In 2008 was invited to give the “Lectio magistralis” for the inauguration of the academic year at Sapienza, University of Rome
  • In 2003 and 2006 was awarded two Prizes by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
  • Member of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and of the "Academia Europaea"
  • Member of Italian Society for Biophysics and Molecular Biology
  • Member of the “Accademia Medica”

Research projects coordinated:

- European Union - VII Research Framework:

ERC-Advanced Grant - Muncodd

People-MSCA- ITN, RNATRAIN Project

RIGHT, Integrated Project

SIROCCO, Integrated ProjecSP3-

- European Union – Horizon 2020:

2016 -Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions -ITN, “circRTrain

- European Science Foundation (ESF)

- Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)

- French Muscular Dystrophy Association (AFM-Téléthon) 


- Fondazione Telethon


- Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Sul Cancro (AIRC)

- Istituto Pasteur, Fondazione Cenci-Bolognetti

- Parent Project ONLUS

- Istituto Italiano di Tecnologie (IIT) –SEED projects


Currently coordinated research projects:

- H2020 - ERC-2019-SyG

Project: 855923 — ASTRA

“Assembly and phase Transitions of Ribonucleoprotein Aggregates in neurons: from physiology to pathology”

- AIRC –Progetto IG-2019  Id.23053

“Circular RNAs: novel players and biomarkers in tumorigenesis”

European Union – Horizon 2020:

2016 -Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions -ITN, “circRTrain”

PRIN  2017

Prot. 2017P352Z4

“Non coding RNAs, new players in gene expression regulation: studying their role in neuronal differentiation and in neurodegeneration”


  • European Union - VII Research Framework:
  • ERC-Advanced Grant - Muncodd
  • People-MSCA- ITN, RNATRAIN Project
  • Fondazione Telethon
  • Istituto Pasteur, Fondazione Cenci-Bolognetti
  • Arisla
  • HFSP
  • ASM


  • In 2013 was awarded of an ERC-Advanced Grant
  • In 2010 was awarded the "Sapienza Ricerca Award".
  • In 2008 was invited to give the “Lectio magistralis” for the inauguration of the academic year at Sapienza, University of Rome
  • In 2003 and 2006 was awarded two Prizes by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
  • Member of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and of the "Academia Europaea"
  • Member of Italian Society for Biophysics and Molecular Biology
  • Member of the “Accademia Medica”


Title: degree in Biology
Institute: “Sapienza” University of Rome
Location: Rome
Country: Italy
From: 1971 To: 1975

Title: specialization in General Pathology
Institute: “Sapienza” University of Rome
Location: Rome
Country: Italy
From: 1975 To: 1978

All Publications
Vitiello E., Castagnetti F., Stufera Mecarelli L., D'Ambra E., Tollis P., Ruocco G., Laneve P., Caffarelli E., Mariani D., Bozzoni I.
Live-cell imaging of circular and long non-coding RNAs associated to FUS pathological aggregates by Pepper fluorescent RNA
Bucci A., Tortarolo G., Held M.O., Bega L., Perego E., Castagnetti F., Bozzoni I., Slenders E., Vicidomini G.
4D Single-particle tracking with asynchronous read-out single-photon avalanche diode array detector
Nature Communications, vol. 15, (no. 1)
Setti A., Mariani D., Castagnetti F., Vitiello E., Stufera Mecarelli L., D'Angelo A., Santini T., di Timoteo G., Giuliani A., Perego E., Zappone S., Liessi N., Armirotti A., Vicidomini G., Bozzoni I.
ALS-associated FUS mutation reshapes the RNA and protein composition of Stress Granules
The RNA Society 29th Annual Meeting
Poster Conference
Mariani D., Setti A., Castagnetti F., Vitiello E., Stufera Mecarelli L., Di Timoteo G., Giuliani A., D'Angelo A., Santini T., Perego E., Zappone S., Liessi N., Armirotti A., Vicidomini G., Bozzoni I.
ALS-Associated FUS mutation reshapes the RNA and protein composition of stress granules
Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 52, (no. 21), pp. 13269-13289
Mariani D., Setti A., Stufera Mecarelli L., Castagnetti F., Vitiello E., D'Angelo A., Santini T., Di Timoteo G., Giuliani A., Perego E., Zappone S., Vicidomini G., Bozzoni I.
ALS-associated FUS mutation reshapes the RNA-protein composition of Stress Granules and affects the late endosome-mediated transport of synaptic RNAs
non-coding RNA in brain development, function and evolution
Poster Conference
Bozzoni I.
“Mad for science” of the DiaSorin Foundation
“Mad for science” of the DiaSorin Foundation
Public Event
Bozzoni I.
La ricerca medica in Europa
Lezioni aperte sull' Europa. Storia, Economia, Scienze, Cultura.
Bozzoni I.
Le malattie rare.
Festival della Salute Globale. Padova, Italy.
Bozzoni I.
Le nuove frontiere delle Scienze della vita nell’era post-genomica.
IX Festa Scienza e Filosofia. Foligno, Italy
Scientific Talks
Bozzoni I.
EMBL Barcelona Review
EMBL Barcelona Review
Baudet M.L., Benes V., Bozzoni I., Dieterich C.
EMBO practical course: Methods for Analysis of Circular RNAs
EMBO practical course: Methods for Analysis of Circular RNAs
Bozzoni I.
IIT Scientific meeting 2022
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Bozzoni I.
RNA circolari nel differenziamento e nelle malattie
Accademia Medica di Roma
Bozzoni I.
Role of circRNA in neuromuscular diseases
4th International Conference on the Long and the Short of Non-Coding RNAs
Oral presentations
Mariani D., Castagnetti F., Vitiello E., Stufera Mecarelli L., di Timoteo G., Setti A., Rea J., Bozzoni I.
Shipped to the wrong address: the impact of ALS-related FUS mutations on the subcellular RNA localization and membrane-less compartments composition
Gordon Research Conference - Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation
Vitiello E., Mariani D., Castagnetti F., Stufera Mecarelli L., Tollis P., Laneve P., Caffarelli E., Bozzoni I.
”Stressing” the importance of live imaging to study RNA dynamics: use of fluorescent RNA aptamers to investigate the role of non-coding RNAs in neurodegeneration
21st International European Light Microscopy Initiative Meeting
Mariani D., Castagnetti F., Vitiello E., Stufera Mecarelli L., Setti A., Bozzoni I.
Mapping the spatial RNA distribution and its alterations in ALS motor neurons
EMBL in Italy 2021: A Brave New World of RNA, 20-21 May 2021 Virtual at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Genoa
Awards and Achievements
Bozzoni I.
Member of the Board of Directors of the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Bozzoni I.
member of the “Comitato Direttivo” of IFOM Istituto Fondazione di Oncologia Molecolare, Milan
Bozzoni I.
Honorary Fellow at the School for Advanced Studies of Sapienza University of Rome
Bozzoni I.
member of the “Scientific Advisory Committee” of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Bozzoni I., Tartaglia G. G., Ruocco G.
ERC SyG ASTRA (https://erc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/document/file/erc-2019-syg-results.pdf)
Organized Events
Baudet M.L., Benes V., Bozzoni I., Dieterich C.
Methods for analysis of circRNAs: from discovery to function
Bozzoni I., Denti M., Gustincich S., Nicassio F.
The RNA World 3.0
Bozzoni I., Dente C., Gustincich S., Nicassio F.
The RNA World 3.0 - SIBBM 2022 - Frontiers in Molecular Biology