This workshop explores different aspects of teaching and learning at a university level, in order to improve one’s teaching skills in a class and in the laboratory, learn the basic lingo for developing a teaching portfolio, and understand the different learning processes of students from different cultures and backgrounds.
Dr. Camilla Tossi, currently working in the 2D Materials group under PI Dr. Camilla Coletti in the IIT laboratories of Pisa, obtained her doctorate from Aalto University, where she participated in the Pedagogical Training Program offered by the university. The program included modern pedagogy training, and the practical implementation of methods while teaching master-level courses.
The workshop is articulated in two sessions of 3 hour each: the sessions are not heavily interconnected, so it’s possible to attend only one of them.
Part 1: Pedagogical methods in higher education.
The history and science of learning: evolution of university teaching methods in the last two decades. Different methods, different topics and different teachers: find your pedagogical signature.Group work and discussion.
Part 2: Teaching and learning in a multicultural and multitechnological classroom.
Theories of cultural dimensions, and how they affect teaching and learning methods.
Online and hybrid methods: how they differ from traditional classroom teaching. Group work and discussion.
If you missed this course the first time and would like it to be offered again, register your interest below.