Founded in 2015 by Stefania Sabella, the mission of the group is highly cross-disciplinary requiring a strong integration of scientific knowledge of the emerging contaminants such as nanomaterials in the food, nanoplastics and drugs (physicochemical properties, exposure, fate and hazard) to regulatory understanding. Each research activity focuses on risk assessment linking the physicochemical properties (and related functionalities) to potential induced hazard on humans.
Current research interests include:
- Analytical tools for identification and quantification of biotransformation of emerging contaminants in artificial human milieu e.g., the internal body fluids (saliva, stomach, intestine, lung fluids, lysosome and sweat).
- In vitro assays predictive of in vivo toxicity as for example dissolution in relevant human simulant body fluids and their relationship to biopersistence and potential relevant health impact of novel materials.
- 2D and 3D cellular models for toxicity studies of bionanomaterials and drugs (gut, lung, liver).
- Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA) as supportive analytical tools for risk classification.
In recent years, the research activities were granted for > 2 M€ and developed through collaborations with National and International research, industrial, regulatory and economic agencies e.g. Herriot Watt University, BASF, Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority (INAIL), Italian Ministry of Health, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Relevant granted projects
- Nano Key Advanced (EPTR0009) - Nano and Key enabling technologies: advanced innovations and health and safety in the workplace- (2021-2023) funded by Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority (INAIL), Rome, Italy.
- GRACIOUS - Grouping, Read-Across, CharacterIsation and classificatiOn framework for regUlatory risk assessment of manufactured nanomaterials and Safer design of nano-enabled products – (2019-2022) Horizon 2020 (n. 760840).
- NanoKey (EPTR0003) - Nano and Key enabling technologies: advanced innovations and health and safety in the workplace- (2018-2020) funded by Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority (INAIL), Rome, Italy.
- OECD ENV/CHEM/NANO(2019)5/ADD1 - Integrated in vitro approach for intestinal fate of orally ingested nanomaterials - (2019-2023) in collaboration with OECD, ISS and Italian Ministry of Health, Italy.
- NanoHarmony, Horizon 2020 (n. 885931): Associated Partners in Task Task 1.5 Scientific basis for a new GD on the determination of solubility and dissolution rate of ENMs and Task 1.8 Scientific basis for a new GD on integrated in vitro approach for intestinal fate of orally ingested ENMs.
- NanoREG II - Development and implementation of Grouping and Safe-by-Design approaches within regulatory frameworks (H2020-NMP-2014, GA 646221) (2016-2018).
- NanoREG - A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials (FP7-NMP-2012-LARGE, GA 310584) (2012-2015).
- ITS-NANO - Intelligent testing strategy for engineered nanomaterials (FP7-NMP-2011-CSA, no. 290589) (2012-2013).
Selected Publications
- V. Tolardo, Alessio Romaldini, Francesco Fumagalli, Andrea Armirotti, Marina Veronesi, Davide Magrì, Stefania Sabella*, Athanassia Athanassiou, Despina Fragouli* “Polycarbonate nanoplastics and the in vitro assessment of their toxicological impact on liver functionality” Environmental Science: Nano, 2023, in press
- Delia Cavallo, Cinzia Lucia Ursini, Anna Maria Fresegna, Aureliano Ciervo, Fabio Boccuni, Riccardo Ferrante, Francesca Tombolini, Raffaele Maiello, Pieranna Chiarella, Giuliana Buresti, Valentina Del Frate, Diana Poli, Roberta Andreoli, Luisana Di Cristo, Stefania Sabella, Sergio Iavicoli “A follow-up study on workers involved in the graphene production process after the introduction of exposure mitigation measures: evaluation of genotoxic and oxidative effects” Nanotoxicology, 1-15, 2022,
- Luisana Di Cristo, Victor C. Ude, Georgia Tsiliki, Giuseppina Tatulli, Alessio Romaldini Fiona Murphy, Wendel Wohlleben, Agnes G. Oomen, Pier Paolo Pompa, Josje Arts, Vicki Stone and Stefania Sabella* “Grouping of orally ingested silica nanomaterials via use of an integrated approach to testing and assessment to streamline risk assessment” Particle and Fibre Toxicology 19 (1), 1-26
- Di Cristo L., Janer G., Dekkers S., Boyles M., Giusti A., Keller J. G., Wohlleben W., Braakhuis H., Ma-Hock L., Oomen A.G., Haase A., Stone V., Murphy F., Johnston H.J., Sabella, S. (2022). "Integrated approaches to testing and assessment for grouping nanomaterials following dermal exposure". Nanotoxicology, 1-23. DOI: 10.1080/17435390.2022.2085207
- Murphy F., Johnston H.J., Dekkers S., Bleeker E.A.J., Oomen A.G., Fernandesa, T.F., Rasmussenc, K., Jantunenc, P., Rauscher H.,Hunt, N., Di Cristo L., Braakhuis H., Haase A., Hristozov D.,, Wohlleben W., Sabella S., Stone V. (2022). “How to formulate hypotheses and IATA to support grouping and read-across of nanoforms” ALTEX, DOI: 10.14573/altex.2203241
- Romaldini, R. Spanò, F. Catalano, F. Villa, A. Poggi, S. Sabella “Sub-lethal concentrations of graphene oxide trigger acute-phase response and impairment of phase-I xenobiotic metabolism in Upcyte® Hepatocytes” Frontiers in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2022, Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.867728
- Di Cristo L., Oomen A.G., Dekkers S., Moore C., Rocchia W., Murphy F., Johnston H.J., Janer G., Haase A., Stone V., Sabella S. "Grouping hypotheses and an integrated approach to testing and assessment of nanomaterials following oral ingestion" Nanomaterials, 2021, vol. 11, (no. 10) DOI 10.3390/nano11102623
- C. Carnovale, D. Guarnieri, L. Di Cristo, I. De Angelis, G. Veronesi, A. Scarpellini, M. A. Malvindi, F. Barone, P.P. Pompa and S. Sabella “Biotransformation of Silver Nanoparticles into Oro-Gastrointestinal Tract by Integrated In Vitro Testing Assay: Generation of Exposure-Dependent Physical Descriptors for Nanomaterial Grouping” Nanomaterials 2021, 11(6), 1587;
- F. Murphy, S. Dekkers, H. Braakhuis, L.M.-Hock, H. Johnston, G. Janer, L. Di Cristo, S. Sabella, N. R. Jacobsen, A. G. Oomen, A. Haase, T. Fernandes, V. Stone “An integrated approach to testing and assessment of high aspect ratio nanomaterials and its application for grouping based on a common mesothelioma hazard” NanoImpact 22, 2021, 100314,
- Di Cristo L., Grimaldi B., Catelani T., Vazquez E., Pompa P.P., Sabella S. "Repeated exposure to aerosolized graphene oxide mediates autophagy inhibition and inflammation in a three-dimensional human airway model" Materials Today Bio, vol. 6:100050, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.mtbio.2020.100050
- D. Guarnieri, P. Sánchez-Moreno, A. E. D. R. Castillo, F. Bonaccorso, F. Gatto, G. Bardi, C. Martin, E. Vázquez, T. Catelani, S. Sabella,* P. P. Pompa “Biotransformation and Biological Interaction of Graphene and Graphene Oxide during Simulated Oral Ingestion” * Corresponding Authors, Small, 2018, Volume14, Issue24, (Cover Article)
- P. Bove, M.A.Malvindi, S.S.Kote, R.Bertorelli, M. Summa, S. Sabella “Dissolution test for risk assessment of nanoparticles: a pilot study” Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 6315 - 6326 (Cover article)
- V. Stone, S. Pozzi-Mucelli, L. Tran, K. Aschberger, S. Sabella, U. Vogel, C. Poland, D. Balharry, T. Fernandes, S. Gottardo, S. Hankin, M. G.J. Hartl, N. Hartmann, D. Hristozov, K.Hund-Rinke, H. Johnston, A. Marcomini, O Panzer, D. Roncato, A. T Saber, H. Wallin and J.J Scott-Fordsmand “A unified framework for nanosafety is needed” NanoToday , vol. 9, (no. 5), pp. 546–549, (2014)
- S Sabella, RP Carney, V Brunetti, MA Malvindi, N Al-Juffali, G Vecchio, S.M. Janes, O. M. Bakr, R. Cingolani, F. Stellacci, P.P. Pompa “A general mechanism for intracellular toxicity of metal-containing nanoparticles”, Nanoscale 6 (12), 7052-7061, (2014)
- V. Stone, S. Pozzi-Mucelli, L. Tran, K. Aschberger, S. Sabella, U. Vogel, C. Poland, D. Balharry, T. Fernandes, S. Gottardo, S. Hankin, M. G.J. Hartl, N. Hartmann, D. Hristozov, K.Hund-Rinke, H. Johnston, A. Marcomini, O Panzer, D. Roncato, A. T Saber, H. Wallin and J.J Scott-Fordsmand “ITS-NANO - Prioritising nanosafety research to develop a stakeholder driven intelligent testing strategy”, Particle and fibre toxicology 11 (1), 9, (2014). DOI:10.1186/1743-8977-11-9
Selected Conferences
- S. Sabella, OECD-WPMN STEERING GROUP ON TESTING AND ASSESSMENT OF MANUFACTURED NANOMATERIALS Project proposal ENV/CHEM/NANO(2019)5/ADD1/REV, 13 May, 2020 14-16 (Paris time) on-line workshop: “Integrated in vitro Approach for Intestinal Fate or Orally Ingested Nanomaterials” 13 May, on line seminar (Invited)
- S. Sabella “Framing the nano-biointeractions by proteomics” Bios SPIE Photonics West, 21 - 26 January 2012, Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA, USA (Invited)
- S. Sabella “The study of nano-biointeractions by proteomics and their role in nanotoxicology” NANOFORUM, Rome, 26 September (2012) (Invited)
- S. Sabella, et al. “Cell Culture Media Elicit a Different Dynamic Formation of Protein-NP Complexes: Effects on the Cellular ResponseTechConnectWorldConference and Expo 2011, June 13-16, Boston (MA) (Oral Comunication)
- S. Sabella “Nanomaterials can influence living biological systems with nanometer sensitivity” BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of NanoMedicine, October 23-25, 2010, Beijing, China (Invited)
- S. Sabella “Nano-biointeractions and nanotoxicology@IIT-CBN” Nanomedicine @ King’s College London (KCL), 1th Symposium of Nanomedicine, 01 December 2010, London, UK (Invited)