IIT People Search

Valentina Pasquale

Research Data Management Specialist
Research Administrative
Research Organization Directorate
Research center

Since 2019 I have been coordinating IIT Research Data services to support scientists in Research Data Management and Open Science. From 2019 to 2021 I have coordinated the Data Stewardship Competence Centers Implementation Network in GO FAIR. I am involved in the EU project Skills4EOSC, as collaborator in WP6, on the harmonisation and creation of communities of data professionals. Given my interest in the introduction of the professional figure of the "data steward" in Italy, I am currently working on the launch of the Italian Data Stewards Community, with colleagues from University of Bologna and under the umbrella of ICDI (Italian Computing and Data Infrastructure). My background is in Bioengineering (major in Neuroengineering) and Neuroscience. During PhD and post-doc I worked as data analyst, on the design and development of innovative analytical methods for in vitro and in vivo neuroscience data.


Title: PhD in Humanoid Technologies
Institute: University of Genova
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2007 To: 2009

Title: Master degree in Bioengineering
Institute: University of Genova
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2004 To: 2006

Title: Bachelor degree in Biomedical Engineering
Institute: University of Genova
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2001 To: 2004

All Publications
Cobey K.D., Haustein S., Brehaut J., Dirnagl U., Franzen D.L., Hemkens L.G., Presseau J., Riedel N., Strech D., Alperin J.P., Costas R., Sena E.S., van Leeuwen T., Ardern C.L., Bacellar I.O.L., Camack N., Britto Correa M., Buccione R., Cenci M.S., Fergusson D.A., Gould van Praag C., Hoffman M.M., Moraes Bielemann R., Moschini U., Paschetta M., Pasquale V., Rac V.E., Roskams-Edris D., Schatzl H.M., Stratton J.A., Moher D.
Community consensus on core open science practices to monitor in biomedicine
PLoS Biology, vol. 21, (no. 1)
Pasquale V., Lazzeri E., Giglia E.
"Data steward" per i dati FAIR
Conferenza GARR 2021 - Sostenibile/Digitale. Dati e tecnologie per il futuro
Conference Paper Conference
Averna A., Pasquale V., Murphy M.D., Rogantin M.P., Van Acker G.M., Nudo R.J., Chiappalone M., Guggenmos D.J.
Differential Effects of Open- and Closed-Loop Intracortical Microstimulation on Firing Patterns of Neurons in Distant Cortical Areas
Cerebral Cortex, vol. 30, (no. 5), pp. 2879-2896
Buccelli S., Bornat Y., Colombi I., Ambroise M., Martines L., Pasquale V., Bisio M., Tessadori J., Nowak P., Grassia F., Averna A., Tedesco M., Bonifazi P., Difato F., Massobrio P., Levi T., Chiappalone M.
A Neuromorphic Prosthesis to Restore Communication in Neuronal Networks
iScience, vol. 19, pp. 402-414
Bisio M., Pimashkin A., Buccelli S., Tessadori J., Semprini M., Levi T., Colombi I., Gladkov A., Mukhina I., Averna A., Kazantsev V., Pasquale V., Chiappalone M.
Closed-Loop Systems and In Vitro Neuronal Cultures: Overview and Applications
Advances in Neurobiology, vol. 22, pp. 351-387
Scientific Talks
Pasquale V.
Role models for parents in Science, round table discussion
IEEE Women in Engineering Leadership Summit
Pasquale V.
Spatio-temporal patterns in cortical activity: from detection to manipulation
7th International Summer School of Neuroengineering "Massimo Grattarola", Genova
School (Summer school, ...)
Pasquale V., Martinoia S., Chiappalone M.
Measuring similarity of endogenous and evoked activity patterns in cultured cortical networks
Recent methods and analyses for neuronal population recordings @ CNS Meeting 2017
Pasquale V.
Exploring the link between criticality and neuronal network connecticity: models and experiments
The Brain: Criticality, Dynamics, Networks and Function
Pasquale V.
A novel algorithm for burst and network burst detection
4th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering
Oral presentations
Pasquale V., Lazzeri E., Giglia E.
"Data steward" per i dati FAIR
Conferenza GARR 2021 - Sostenibile/Digitale. Dati e tecnologie per il futuro
Awards and Achievements
Pasquale V.
Coordinator of the GO FAIR Data Stewardship Competence Centers Implementation Network
Pasquale V.
Member of the Data Stewardship Wizard Advisory Board