Oral presentations
Moschini U.
Valutazione della ricerca e uguaglianza di genere: il caso dell'Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Convegno Annuale Donne e Scienza
Moschini U., Pasquale V., Cagnoni F., Molinari E.
Reporting and dashboards’ design for Open Science monitoring
Genoa Open Access Week
Moschini U., Molinari E.
Designing ecosystems to enable recognition and adoption of Open Science measures
Genoa Open Access Week
Moschini U., Fenialdi E., Daraio C., Ruocco G., Molinari E.
A comparison of three multidisciplinarity indices based on the diversity of Scopus subject areas of authors’ documents, their bibliography and their citing papers
Scientometrics, vol. 125, (no. 2), pp. 1145-1158
Moschini U., Fenialdi E., Daraio C., Ruocco G., Molinari E.
A comparison of three individual multidisciplinarity indices based on the diversity of the Scopus subject areas, of the bibliography and of the citing papers of an author’s documents
17th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI 2019 - Proceedings, vol. 1, pp. 1226-1231
Moschini U., Molinari E.
Service Interoperability for Quick Monitoring of the Scientific Output at the Italian Institute of Technology
GARR 2018 Data Revolution
Teeninga P., Moschini U., Trager S.C., Wilkinson M.H.F.
Improved detection of faint extended astronomical objects through statistical attribute filtering
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9082, pp. 157-168
Teeninga P., Moschini U., Trager S.C., Wilkinson M.H.F.
Improving background estimation for faint astronomical object detection
Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, vol. 2015-December, pp. 1046-1050
Moschini U., Teeninga P., Trager S.C., Wilkinson M.H.
Parallel 2D local pattern spectra of invariant moments for galaxy classification
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9257, pp. 121-133
Evans D., Moschini U.
Ten Times more information in your Real-Time TM
SpaceOps 2012 Conference