IIT People Search

Giorgio Grioli

Visiting Scientist
Soft Robotics for Human Cooperation and Rehabilitation
Research center

Giorgio Grioli is currently a Researcher at the Italian Institute of
Technology, where he investigates the design, modelling and control of
soft robotic systems and intelligent machines inspired by natural
systems and the most modern and promising technologies. He implements
these methods to develop systems for human-centred applications, ranging
 from collaborative industrial robotics to prosthetics.
He received his PhD in Robotics, Automation and Engineering from
Università di Pisa in 2011, with a dissertation on the identification
for control of Variable Impedance Actuators. He authored more than 80
among journal and conference articles and book chapters (2200 citations,
 h-index 20) in the fields of soft robotic actuation, robot hand design
and haptics. He is reported as inventor in 6 between patent and patent
applications. He contributed to the development of several robotic
systems and to the founding of a spin-off company. He has being serving
as Associate Editor for the ICRA and ICORR conferences (since 2015) and
as editor the MDPI Actuators journal. Over the years he supervised the
development of more than 20 Master Degree Theses in the degrees of
Automation Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. He also supervised
several Bachelor degree theses and student projects for the course of
Robotics. He tutored 2 and is currently tutoring 6 PhD students in the
Information Engineering Ph.D. course of Università di Pisa.

All Publications
Monteleone S., Negrello F., Grioli G., Catalano M.G., Bicchi A., Garabini M.
A method to benchmark the balance resilience of robots
Frontiers Robotics AI, vol. 9
Fossati M.R., Grioli G., Catalano M.G., Bicchi A.
From Robotics to Prosthetics: What Design and Engineering Can Do Better Together
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, vol. 12, (no. 2)
Fossati M.R., Catalano M.G., Grioli G., Carbone M., Caporale D., Lentini G., Poggiani M., Maimeri M., Barbarossa M., Petrocelli C., Ferrari M., Gesi M., Viglialoro R.M., Ferrari V., Bicchi A.
Technological Low Hanging Fruits Involved in Combating the COVID 19 Pandemic
Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol. 26, pp. 109-123
Capsi-Morales P., Piazza C., Grioli G., Bicchi A., Catalano M.G.
The SoftHand Pro platform: a flexible prosthesis with a user-centered approach
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 20, (no. 1)
Article Journal
Capsi-Morales P., Catalano M.G., Grioli G., Schiavon L., Fiaschi E., Bicchi A.
Adaptable Poly-Articulated Bionic Hands EnhanceBoth Performance and User's Perception in Bilateral Amputation: A Case Study
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 30, pp. 2437-2445
Barresi G., Grioli G., Canali C., Sposito M.
Robot Oltre i Limiti, Oltre il Pericolo
Rome VideoGame Lab 2020
Public Event
Scientific Talks
Negrello F., Monteleone S., Garabini M., Grioli G., Bicchi A., Catalano M.G.
Towards Resilient Robots
Robotic Science and Systems (RSS) 2022
Negrello F., Catalano M.G., Grioli G., Bicchi A.
Ergonomics in Industrial Environment: a User Perspective
Italian Conference in Robotics and Intelligent Machines
Bicchi A., De Luca A., Siciliano B., Della Santina C., Grazioso S., Garabini M., Grioli G., Palli G.
Modeling and Control of Soft Robot
S.I.D.R.A. PhD Summer School
School (Summer school, ...)
Catalano M. G., Piazza C., Bianchi M., Grioli G., Bicchi A.
Soft robotics technologies to implement human motor control lessons in bionic hands
32nd annual Meeting of the European Musculo Skeletal Oncology Society (EMSOS)
Negrello F., Catalano M., Garabini M., Grioli G., Tsagarakis N., Bicchi A.
Soft Robotic Hands for Tough Tasks: Benchmarking robustness
Hands in the real world: connecting End-Effector Design, Sensitivity, and Behavior, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Awards and Achievements
Negrello F., Vergani L., Corsanici M., Iapichino A., Lentini G., Duz A., Ierace S., Grioli G., Bicchi A., Viscardi M., Catalano MG.
Solution Award - Premio per la migliore applicazione robotica industriale o di servizio realizzata da aziende italiane
Bicchi A., Catalano M., Bianchi M., Grioli G., Garabini M., Rocchi A., Farnioli E., Marino H., Bonilla M., Piazza C., Della Santina C., Luberto E., Santaera G., Brando A., Bonomo F., Raugi A.
Robotics Grasp and Manipulation Challenge at IROS
Della Santina C., Grioli G., Catalano M., Brando A., Bicchi A.
IEEE Humanoids Best Interactive Paper Award
Vanderborght B., Albu-Schaeffer A., Bicchi A., Burdet E., Caldwell D., Carloni R., Catalano M., Ganesh G., Garabini M., Grebenstein M., Grioli G., Haddadin S., Jafari A., Laffranchi M., Lefeber D., Petit F., Stramigioli S., Tsagarakis N., Van Damme M., Van Ham R., Visser L., Wolf S.
Best Jubilee Video Award
Catalano M., Grioli G., Serio A., Farnioli E., Piazza C., Bicchi A.
IEEE HUMANOIDS Best Conference Paper Award
Grioli G.
International Journal of Robotics Research
Grioli G.
Grioli G.
MDPI Actuators