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Noemi Contreras Pereda

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Printed and Molecular Electronics
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Noemí Contreras Pereda was born in Barcelona in 1994. She received her B.Sc and M.Sc with honors in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in 2016 and 2017 respectively, obtaining the university's special award for the degree studies. During her studies, she performed her B.Sc thesis in the group of Prof Christian Schönenberger in the University of Basel (Switzerland) studying the electrical transport in suspended carbon nanotube transistors.

In 2017, she was awarded with "la Caixa" Foundation fellowship to pursue her doctoral studies. Thus in 2017, she joined the group of Prof. Daniel Ruiz-Molina at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) to pursue her doctoral studies, earning the Ph.D degree in Material Science in 2021. During her Ph.D, she developed novel conductive organic and metal-organic materials for their application in the healthcare as multimodal on-skin electronic sensors. During her doctoral studies, she won an e-COST Short Term Scientific Mission grant and did a research stay at ETH Zürich (Switzerland) under the supervision of Prof. Josep Puigmartí-Luis to develop cutting edge syntheses with microfluidic devices.

In May 2022, she joined the group of Mario Caironi at IIT in the frame of the ELFO project researching in edible electronics to expand her carrier in the field of green electronics.

All Publications
Contreras-Pereda N., Galli V., Cataldi P., Annese V.F., Coco G., Athanassiou A., Luzio A., Caironi M.
A Corn-Based Electrically Conductive Glue for Integration of Edible Electronics
Small Science
Article Journal
Contreras-Pereda N., Ruiz-Molina D.
Chapter 10 - Conductive properties of triphenylene porous coordination polymers
Porous Coordination Polymers From Fundamentals to Advanced Applications
Book Chapter Book
Contreras-Pereda N., Suárez-García S., Pfattner R., Ruiz-Molina D.
Melanin-inspired conductive thin films for multimodal-sensing wearable on-skin electronics
Materials Today Chemistry, vol. 35
Pepió B., Contreras-Pereda N., Suárez-García S., Hayati P., Benmansour S., Retailleau P., Morsali A., Ruiz-Molina D.
Solvent-tuned ultrasonic synthesis of 2D coordination polymer nanostructures and flakes
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, vol. 72
Contreras-Pereda N., Rodríguez-San-Miguel D., Franco C., Sevim S., Vale J.P., Solano E., Fong W.-K., Del Giudice A., Galantini L., Pfattner R., Pané S., Sotto Mayor T., Ruiz-Molina D., Puigmartí-Luis J.
Synthesis of 2D Porous Crystalline Materials in Simulated Microgravity
Advanced Materials, vol. 33, (no. 30)