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Research center

I am a chemist, and I studied at the University Federico II of Naples where I obtained my Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences.  I joined IIT after an exciting post doc in the Martínez group at the Stanford University.  

Currently, I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in the  Atomistic Simulations group led by Prof. Parrinello. 

My research interests lie at the intersection of chemistry, and computer science. I develop and apply theoretical methods to explore photoinduced processes, and discover new chemical reactions in complex environments using enhanced sampling techniques. Alongside these research topics, I'm also interested in combining cutting-edge technologies in machine learning, cloud computing and augmented reality to develop interactive applications to make computational chemistry readily accessible for the wider community.

Experience External

Title: Post Doc
Institute: Stanford University
Location: Stanford
Country: USA
From: 2019 To: 2021

Title: Post Doc
Institute: Chimie ParisTech
Location: Paris
Country: France
From: 2018 To: 2018

Title: Post Doc
Institute: University of Naples Federico II
Location: Napoli
Country: Italy
From: 2016 To: 2018

All Publications
Yang H., Raucci U., Iyer S., Hasan G., Golin Almeida T., Barua S., Savolainen A., Kangasluoma J., Rissanen M., Vehkamaki H., Kurten T.
Molecular dynamics-guided reaction discovery reveals endoperoxide-to-alkoxy radical isomerization as key branching point in α-pinene ozonolysis
Nature Communications, vol. 16, (no. 1)
Faran M., Ray D., Nag S., Raucci U., Parrinello M., Bisker G.
A Stochastic Landscape Approach for Protein Folding State Classification
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Article Journal
Das S., Raucci U., Neves R.P.P., Ramos M.J., Parrinello M.
Correlating enzymatic reactivity for different substrates using transferable data-driven collective variables
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 121, (no. 49)
Article Journal
Mambretti F., Raucci U., Yang M., Parrinello M.
How Does Structural Disorder Impact Heterogeneous Catalysts? The Case of Ammonia Decomposition on Non-stoichiometric Lithium Imide
ACS Catalysis, vol. 14, (no. 3), pp. 1252-1256
Article Journal
Ray D., Das S., Raucci U.
Kinetic View of Enzyme Catalysis from Enhanced Sampling QM/MM Simulations
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, vol. 64, (no. 9), pp. 3953-3958