IIT People Search

Ugo Pattacini

System Architect | Scrum Master
iCub Tech
Research center

Ugo Pattacini is a technologist at iCub Tech, where his responsibilities are concerned with the design and advancement of the robotic platforms developed at the facility (i.e., iCub, R1, ergoCub). He has an in-depth knowledge of control engineering and model-based methodologies applied to the simulation and analysis of complex mechatronic systems and the automatic generation of production code.

After the M.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering with honors at the University of Pisa, Ugo worked for five years in the domain of Formula 1 applications as an embedded SW developer. First, he was at the Racing Department of Magneti Marelli in Milan dealing with the design and implementation of integrated telemetry drivers and proprietary hard-constrained real-time operating systems for Toyota, Renault, and Ferrari F1 cars. Then, he joined the Toyota team in Cologne focusing his activities on vehicle dynamics and torque-based traction control strategies.

Following a brief period spent at the Earth Observation Business Unit of Thales Alenia Space in Rome, he moved to Genoa to conduct his Ph.D. studies at IIT on synthesizing and implementing modular cartesian controllers for humanoid robots. Since then, Ugo has gained deep working experience in robotics, having co-authored numerous conference and journal articles and participated in several EU-founded projects (e.g., RobotCub, CHRIS, EFAA, WYSIWYD, TACMAN, ETAPAS).

He is a senior member of RAS and CSS societies of IEEE.


Title: Ph.D. in Robotics
Institute: Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Location: Genoa
Country: Italy
From: 2008 To: 2011

Title: M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering
Institute: University of Pisa
Location: Pisa
Country: Italy
From: 1995 To: 2001


Title: Best conference award at ROBIO2011
Description: Awarded with the paper 'The encoding of complex visual stimuli by a canonical model of the primary visual cortex: temporal population coding for face recognition on the iCub robot'.
Date: 11-12-2011

Title: First prize at the European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibitions (FET 11)
Description: null
Date: 06-05-2011

Title: KUKA Innovation Award 2018 Winner
Description: Participated in the IIT team CoAware, Hannover Messe, Germany, 23-27 April 2018.
Date: 27-04-2018

Experience External

Title: Consultant
Institute: Thales Alenia Space
Location: Rome
Country: Italy
From: 2006 To: 2007

Title: Embedded SW Engineer
Institute: Toyota Motorsport GmbH
Location: Cologne
Country: Germany
From: 2004 To: 2006

Title: Embedded SW Engineer
Institute: Magneti Marelli Motorsport Department
Location: Corbetta (MI)
Country: Italy
From: 2001 To: 2004

All Publications
Rozlivek J., Roncone A., Pattacini U., Hoffmann M.
HARMONIOUS - Human-Like Reactive Motion Control and Multimodal Perception for Humanoid Robots
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 41, pp. 378-393
Article Journal
Dafarra S., Pattacini U., Romualdi G., Rapetti L., Grieco R., Darvish K., Milani G., Valli E., Sorrentino I., Viceconte P.M., Scalzo A., Traversaro S., Sartore C., Elobaid M., Guedelha N., Herron C., Leonessa A., Draicchio F., Metta G., Maggiali M., Pucci D.
iCub3 avatar system: Enabling remote fully immersive embodiment of humanoid robots
Science Robotics, vol. 9, (no. 86)
Fussi M., Salvi M., Gesino M., Pattacini U., Maggiali M.
Building a Digital Twin of the iCub Humanoid Robot’s Head
Report Journal
Bottarel F., Altobelli A., Pattacini U., Natale L.
GRASPA-fying the Panda: Easily Deployable, Fully Reproducible Benchmarking of Grasp Planning Algorithms
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
Article Journal
Vasco V., Antunes A.G.P., Tikhanoff V., Pattacini U., Natale L., Gower V., Maggiali M.
HR1 Robot: An Assistant for Healthcare Applications
Frontiers Robotics AI, vol. 9
Awards and Achievements
Pucci D., Maggiali M., Dafarra S., Pattacini U., Traversaro S., Milani G., Rapetti L., Romualdi G., Sorrentino I., Sartore C., Valli E., Viceconte P., Grieco R., Elobaid M., Larosa F., Fiorio L., Barbieri E., Gandini D., Salvi M., Scalzo A., Tomè D., Tricerri L., Girardi S., Vassallo G.
ANA Avatar XPRIZE Finalist
Kim W., Lorenzini M., Balatti P., Nguyen P., Pattacini U., Tikhanoff V., Peternel L., Fantacci C., Natale L., Metta G., Ajoudani A.
KUKA Innovation Award 2018 Winner
Luvizotto A., Rennò-Costa C., Pattacini U., Verschure P.
Best conference award
Pattacini U.
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots
Pucci D., Pattacini U., Tikhanoff V., Jamone L., Petit M.
Building the iCub Mindware: Open-source Software for Robot Intelligence and Autonomy
Organized Events
Pattacini U., Tikhanoff V., Traversaro S., Salvi M., Vasco V., Genesio N., Caridà L., Di Piazza E., Maggia M.
Easy Peasy Robotics Online Crash Course WEB20
Natale L., Bartolozzi C., Pattacini U., Tikhanoff V., Pucci D.
Pattacini U., Tikhanoff V., Fantacci C., Vezzani G., Cardellino A., Caridà L., Natale L., Metta G.
Easy Peasy Robotics Crash Course at CPI17
Natale L., Bartolozzi C., Pattacini U., Tikhanoff V., Pucci D.