IIT Publications Search

Apraez D.O., Turrisi G., Kostic V., Martin M., Agudo A., Moreno-Noguer F., Pontil M., Semini C., Mastalli C.
Morphological symmetries in robotics
International Journal of Robotics Research
Note Journal
Huet L., Devergne T., Magrino T., Saitta A.M.
A New Route to the Prebiotic Synthesis of Glycine via Ab Initio-Based Machine Learning Calculations
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, pp. 8697-8705
Article Journal
Kostic V., Lounici K., Inzerili P., Novelli P., Pontil M.
Consistent Long-Term Forecasting of Ergodic Dynamical Systems
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol. 235, pp. 25370-25395
Conference Paper Conference
Kostic R. V., Lounici K., Inzerili P., Novelli P., Pontil M.
Consistent Long-Term Forecasting of Ergodic Dynamical Systems
International Conference on Machine Learning
Conference Paper Conference
Ordonez-Apraez D.F., Kostic V., Turrisi G., Novelli P., Mastalli C., Semini C., Pontil M.
Dynamics Harmonic Analysis of Robotic Systems: Application in Data-Driven Koopman Modelling
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol. 242, pp. 1318-1329
Conference Paper Conference
Ordoñez-Apraez D., Kostic V., Turrisi G., Novelli P., Mastalli C., Semini C., Pontil M.
Dynamics Harmonic Analysis of Robotic Systems: Application in Data-Driven Koopman Modelling
Learning for Dynamics & Control Conference, vol. 242, (no. 1318-1329)
Article Conference
Devergne T., Huet L., Pietrucci F., Saitta A.M.
Efficient machine learning approach for accurate free-energy profiles and kinetic rates
Physical Review E, vol. 110, (no. 3)
Article Journal
Zeaiter L. Z., Baldini F., Cuneo L., Diab F., Bianchini P., Dabbous A., Vergani L., Diaspro A.
Elucidating the spatial distribution of genomic and epigenetic lamina-associated domains implicated in adipocyte differentiation and hypertrophy
Medical Image Analysis, pp. 1361-8415
Article Journal
Novelli P., Bonati L., Buigues P. J., Meanti G., Rosasco L., Parrinello M., Pontil M.
Fine-tuning Foundation Models for Molecular Dynamics: A Data-Efficient Approach with Random Features
Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop at the 38th conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)
Conference Paper Conference
Devergne T., Kostic V. R., Parrinello M., Pontil M.
From Biased to Unbiased Dynamics: An In- finitesimalGenerator Approach
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37
Conference Paper Conference
Maurer A.
Generalization of Hamiltonian algorithms
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
Conference Paper Conference
Akhavan A., Chzhen E., Pontil M., Tsybakov A. B.
Gradient-free optimization of highly smooth functions: improved analysis and a new algorithm"
Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 25, (no. 370), pp. 1-50
Article Journal
Parletta D., Paudice A., Pontil M., Salzo S.
High probability bounds for stochastic subgradient schemes with heavy tailed noise
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, vol. 6, (no. 4), pp. 953-977
Article Journal
Nan Y., Xing X., Wang S., Tang Z., Felder F., Zhang S., Ledda R., Ding X., Yu R., Liu W., Shi F., Sun T., Cao Z., Zhang M., Gu Y., Zhang H., Gao J., Wang P., Tang W., Yu P., Kang H., Chen J., Lu X., Zhang B., Mamalakis M., Prinzi F., Carlini G., Cuneo L., Banerjee A., Xing Z., Zhu L., Mesbah Z., Jain D., Mayet T., Yuan H., Lyu Q., Qayyum A., Mazher M., Wells A., Walsh S., Yang G.
Hunting imaging biomarkers in pulmonary fibrosis: Benchmarks of the AIIB23 challenge
Medical Image Analysis, vol. 97
Grazz R., Siems J., Schrodi S., Brox T., Hutter F.
Is mamba capable of in-context learning? AutoML Conference 2024
Conference Paper Conference

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