Modified 5-Choice Serial Reaction Time task

Schematic diagrams of the trials type that were presented to the mice during the three different test manipulation paradigms: Impulsivity; SARAT v1 and v2 and Distractor v1 and v2. From Ciampoli et al Scientific Reports 2017.

Key measurements given by the SARAT task. A Percentage of accuracy and B average latency (sec) to make a correct response made during different trials named after the number of pre-cues presented: (1) cued 1 trials with presentation of 1 valid pre-cue; (3) cued 3 trials with presentation of 3 pre-cues presented adjacently to the target location; (5) cued 5 trials with the non-predictive appearance of 5 pre-cue lights. **p<0.005 and ***p<0.0005 versus performance at cued 1 trials of the same nightly session. Modified from Huang et al Psychopharmacology 2017.

Key measurements revealed by Distractor test. A Percentage of accuracy and B average latency (sec) to make a correct response made during different trials named after the type of pre-cues presented: (0) cued 0 trials with no pre-cue presented as for the initial training (stage 6); (Dist) distractor trials with the non-predictive appearance of 3 flashing green lights. ***p<0.0005 versus performance at Cued 0 trials of the same nightly session. Modified from Huang et al Psychopharmacology 2017.