Biomarkers and biosensors to monitor body response in microgravity conditions (MARS-PRE)
Research domain: LifeTech - Subtopic: Bio-MaterialsWith the rapid advances in spaceflight capability, investigating the effects of microgravity on the brain and nervous system is of paramount importance. Space travels present extreme conditions and consequent physiological effects, for example, induction of oxidative stress response in humans and related health risks.
In this project, we are investigating physiological changes and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production for the whole neurovascular system subjected to conditions of simulated microgravity in vitro. In addition, we are also implementing nanoparticle-based rapid and instrument-free colorimetric tests for semi-quantitative detection of biomarkers (namely, antioxidants and cortisol), using "non-invasive" biological fluids, such as saliva, avoiding inconvenient blood sampling.
In summary, our research team aims to elucidate the overall effect of reduced gravity and oxidative stress on the neurovascular system and set the basis for point-of-care devices to monitor health and stress conditions during space missions.
Project funding: Italian Space Agency (ASI)