IIT People Search

Gerusa Duarte Dalmolin

Post Doc
Polymers and Biomaterials
Research center

Gerusa is a Brazilian pharmacologist, with a Ph.D in Molecular Pharmacology from Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG, Brazil) and master's degree in Toxicological Biochemistry from Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM, Brazil).

With a strong background in preclinical research, Gerusa has worked on projects searching for natural and synthetic products with analgesic and neuroprotective properties since her bachelor’s degree in pharmacy at Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM, Brazil). During her Ph.D, she investigated the modulation of spinal cord pain transmission and analgesic properties of natural peptide toxins purified from the venom of the Brazilian spider Phoneutria nigriventer, aiming to design therapeutic agents to treat pain. After obtaining her Ph.D, she continued engaged in the pharmacological research of peptide toxins and calcium channel blockers in pain circuits, as a postdoctoral researcher in Juliano Ferreira's lab, at Federal University of Santa Catarina (LabNeuro, UFSC, Florianopolis, Brazil) and in Anthony Dickensons's Lab, at University College London (House of Pain, UCL, London, UK), where she gained experience in in-vivo electrophysiology. After a career break, she joined Nicola Tirelle's team at IIT, in 2024.

At Polbiom, her ultimate goal is to characterize the pharmacokinetic profile of nanoparticles, as therapeutic carriers. She also investigates the efficacy of nanoparticles together with known anticancer drugs in the therapy-resistance in neuroglioblastoma cells. 


Title: Ph.D in Molecular and Biochemical Pharmacology
Institute: Federal University of Minas Gerais
Location: null
Country: Brazil
From: 2006 To: 2010

Title: M.Sc in Toxicological Biochemistry
Institute: Federal University of Santa Maria
Location: null
Country: Brazil
From: 2004 To: 2006

Title: Bachelor's in Pharmacy, Biochemistry and Clinical Analysis
Institute: Federal University of Santa Maria
Location: null
Country: Brazil
From: 2000 To: 2004

Experience External

Title: Postdoctoral Researcher
Institute: Federal University of Santa Catarina
Location: null
Country: Brazil
From: 2013 To: 2017

Title: Postdoctoral Researcher
Institute: University College London
Location: null
Country: United Kingdom
From: 2012 To: 2013

Title: Postdoctoral Researcher
Institute: Federal University of Santa Maria
Location: null
Country: Brazil
From: 2011 To: 2012

All Publications
Dalmolin G.D., Bannister K., Gonçalves L., Sikandar S., Patel R., Cordeiro M.D.N., Gomez M.V., Ferreira J., Dickenson A.H.
Effect of the spider toxin Tx3-3 on spinal processing of sensory information in naive and neuropathic rats: an in vivo electrophysiological study
Pain Reports
Rigo F.K., Trevisan G., Godoy M.C., Rossato M.F., Dalmolin G.D., Silva M.A., Menezes M.S., Caumo W., Ferreira J.
Management of Neuropathic Chronic Pain with Methadone Combined with Ketamine: A Randomized, Double Blind, Active-Controlled Clinical Trial.
Pain Physician
Article Journal
Brusco I., Silva C.R., Trevisan G., de Campos Velho Gewehr C., Rigo F.K., La Rocca Tamiozzo L., Rossato M.F., Tonello R., Dalmolin G.D., de Almeida Cabrini D., Gomez M.V., Ferreira J., Oliveira S.M.
Potentiation of Paclitaxel-Induced Pain Syndrome in Mice by Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme Inhibition and Involvement of Kinins.
Molecular Neurobiology
da Silva J.F., Castro-Junior C.J., Oliveira S.M., Dalmolin G.D., Silva C.R., Vieira L.B., Diniz D.M., Cordeiro Mdo N., Ferreira J., Souza A.H., Gomez M.V.
Characterization of the antinociceptive effect of PhTx3-4, a toxin from Phoneutria nigriventer, in models of thermal, chemical and incisional pain in mice.
Article Journal
Gomes G.M., Dalmolin G.D., Bär J., Karpova A., Mello C.F., Kreutz M.R., Rubin M.A.
Inhibition of the polyamine system counteracts β-amyloid peptide-induced memory impairment in mice: involvement of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors.
PLoS One
Article Journal